Tree Services: Tips On How To Avoid The Dangers That Come With Tree Maintenance
There is nothing as beautiful as a properly maintained tree, but did you know that the maintenance of the trees comes with plenty of dangers. To help you out, here are some of the risks that you can come across as given by tree services providers:
Watch out for the trees under power lines
It can be tempting to go for the trees under the power lines especially if you stayed for a long time without giving them some attention. You should note that its illegal in some states to maintain a tree that is under a power line. In addition to you getting electrocuted, you also risk cutting the tree, and it falls on the line, which will be an expense on your side.
For you to be on the safe side, you should avoid trimming or cutting the tree. The best way out is to hire a tree trimming expert to help you out with the work.
Always be cautious
In most cases, you have to get on a ladder so that you can trim the tall trees. Thousands of people have been reported falling off the ladder and injuring themselves. For you to avoid this, you should be cautious of the type of ladder that you choose. As rule of thumb, ensure that the ladder is stable and you can’t fall.
In addition to using a sturdy ladder, you also should always use a maintenance harness that will ensure that you are safe and can’t fall. Even when you have the harness, you should avoid working if the weather isn’t right. For example, avoid working when it’s too windy, or there are storms.
If wearing earplugs and other forms of ear protection, ensure taht they are in top condition.
Use the right maintenance tools
You need chainsaws, hard hats, boots, and other tools for you to be safe when you are maintaining your trees. While many homeowners know that they need to use the tools, most of them don’t use the right ones which puts them at the risk of injury.
For you to be safe, ensure that you use high-quality tools. For example, use a chainsaw that is designed for tree cutting. For you to get the most from it, ensure that it’s properly sharpened. If you feel that you don’t have the right tools or you can’t use them effectively, consider hiring a tree removal expert to help you out.
These are some of the safety tips that you should put into consideration when you are maintaining your trees. As mentioned above, if you feel that you can’t maintain the trees by yourself, hire a local tree company Silver Spring to help you out.